Wednesday, April 20, 2011

À bout de souffle


A film by Jean-Luc Godar (1960)

Watch the incredibly enticing trailer.

The pretty girl.
The bad boy.
The revolver.
The nice man.
The cruel woman.
The little American.
The car thief.
The concerto for claironette.
The police.
The pin-up.
The novelist.
The skivvy.
Humphrey Bogart.
My friend Gaby.
The Italian photographer.
The anarchists.
The tape recorder.
The Champs Elysées.
Devil in the Flesh.
And God Created Woman.


As I watched this film, I longed for a closet full of garments illuminating Parisian chic... and lived vicariously through the experiences of yet again another American girl in Paris. Endearing? Yes, I hope.

Escondido Falls - Malibu

I went hiking for the very first time in Los Angeles recently. Escondido Falls is a hiking trail situated right off the Pacific Coast Highway (CA-1) in the beach town of Malibu. We parked in a lot adjacent to PCH and started our mile-long hike up private residential street in order to reach the starting point of the hiking trail. I had no idea I would embark on a hike with a man afraid of bugs and snakes, climb/repel a steep incline with a flimsy rope, jump over a rattlesnake to continue the hike (in hopes of viewing a massive waterfall), and have my very first hike cut short because of said fearful grown man. Nevertheless, I was able  to take a few pictures of the landscape and the first waterfall (it should be noted that there is a series of visually stimulating waterfalls that increase exponentially in beauty/force/all-around majestic power as hikers make there way along the trail).

Stochasticity & Serendipity defined

stochasticity - (noun) the quality of lacking any predictable order or plan

serendipity - (noun) good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries
synonyms: good fortune, fluke